Weddings provide for such great conversation, as long as, something goes bad. My girlfriend's parents went to a wedding recently that is topped by one other wedding story to date. Here is what happened. The brides parents couldn't afford to pay for the wedding so the groom's parents offer to switch roles with the request that her parents take care of the bar. Easy enough right? Her parents also requested no assigned seating at the reception because that was "too formal for her family". Upon the arrival of all the quests the grooms parents realized that a lot of people who RSVPed that they weren't coming showed up. Most of them where from her side and were wearing jeans, tennis shoes, and baseball hats. So about 75 people extra arrived leaving many actual registered quests with no seat. To make matters worse the brides parents who were supposed to handle the bar ended up making it a cash bar.
All day after hearing that story I kept thinking about what I would do if I were the groom or a groomsmen. The image of me escorting the white-trash extra guests out the front door kept going over and over in my mind. Not to mention the ass-reaming of my new inlaws that would take place behind closed doors. If I was the bride I would have been so embarassed.
Also, unless you have absolutely no money who has a cash bar wedding. Fucking terrible! If I wanted to pay for drinks I would be at a bar, not your scum bag wedding telling Jose he better not skimp on the bourbon. I can think of about one situation where I would go to a wedding that didn't serve alcochol, let alone free alcohol. This would have to be a close relative like a first cousin or greater. Anything else is out. Here is how the RSVP back would look:
0 Will Attend....
Your lame-ass Mormon inspired wedding(hand written)
There is something to be said about looking decent at a wedding. If you don't own a jacket, borrow one. If you don't own a nice pair of shoes, get some. Be respectful of the situation you are in. You are not going to some high school graduation party.
Next week..The story of how I strangled a person who wore a Metallica shirt to my grandfathers funeral.