If you had a person's body sticking through the front windshield of your car how long would it take for you to notice? Well, if you are a 98 year old Florida man the answer is roughly three miles. So it seems another American prune face has proven to the whole country once again when people get older than then most trees they shouldn't be driving. The article I read today stated that this old guy hit another person who became lodged in his windshield only to be noticed by a toll booth attendant. The driver claims that he had no recollection of the accident, yet there was a body sticking from the front of his ride.
Someone that knows this man said ''That was the one thing he had, to get in his car and just drive for the sheer enjoyment of driving." I guess that is how you feel about driving if you grew up in the era of when you had to crank start your car and it only went 3 mph. I bet he said, "Oh, man I can't wait to get behind the wheel of that crazy four wheeled rocket ship and drive around town."
This reminds me a lot of the time I had a pencil get stuck in my eye and I didn't know it for an hour. I guess I must have just forgotten about the pencil a split second after it happend. I went into a grocery store and the clerk said, "Hey sir, do you know you have a Dixon Ticonderoga #2 sticking out of your right eye?" I said, "Son, have you been huffing the Redi-Whip again?" Which was followed from him with a, "Sure have Mister! But boy, do I like the way you rock that DT #2"
Old people like him suck and shouldn't have licenses. Put them in homes, tie them in chairs, and pay them 10 cents a day to make carmel popcorn for the world.
Next week: George Bush realizes that Fox News is lodged in his ass.
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